Here’s a link tree for different DRC-related causes.
- Help Children To Orphanages & Provide Aide to Goma,
- Aide aux plus démunis (Help for the most deprived),
- Support The Busimba Family To Rebuild Their Lives,
- SOS Congo (déplacés du Kivu),
- Dons pour les femmes déplacées à l’est de la RDC (Donations for displaced women in eastern DRC),
- Sillage Association Malaïka,
- Help for Goma,
- Help My Congolese Family Flee Genocide.
On Cotiz Up: Humanitarian Support for Displaced People in Eastern DRC.
A Google Sheet of DRC crowdfunds (including some of the above, and organizations, too) by SaifQuadri on Twitter.
Support Congolese-run organizations like Heal Africa, Panzi Foundation, Mavuno, Yolé!Africa, and Focus Congo.
Donate to international aid organizations like Doctors Without Borders, World Food Programme, Oxfam, and CARE International.