And Now for Something Completely De-Stressing

Featured image: Photo by Minnie Zhou from Unsplash.


4 for Now

Odds are you’re more familiar than you’d like to be with all the stress and strife in the world. I believe that whatever the outcome of the U.S. election, our work is just getting started. But I also believe in taking time to center and de-stress.

I thought it would be nice to provide a moment where we can just breathe and let go of the tension we’ve been holding before I get back to sharing tough truths.

And by all means, if you have more than four minutes, take as long as you want. All images are from Unsplash (why Unsplash isn’t linked here). Start with the Animals gallery, or skip to the Babies or Colorful galleries.




4 for Later

  1. I’ve been playing Infinity Loop on my phone. Getting used to it, it takes all your attention, and once you have the hang of it, you can do it almost mindlessly, which is a great meditation! Get it from Google Play or the Apple Store.
  2. I find Bella Goldwin’s silky voice and ethereal music very soothing. Check her out on Spotify, or catch her live streams on Twitch (most Weekdays at 1 pm EST).
  3. If you’re an 80’s kid like me, check out this YouTube playlist of 80’s cartoon show theme songs. Find your faves and sing along! (If you’re not into 80’s cartoon shows, try searching for “[decade] cartoon theme songs.”)
  4. I know leaving the house is still a scary thought for a lot of us. (While others *have* to leave the house. My heart goes out to you!) But if you have a little patch of nature near you, and the weather’s still okay, sit outside for a few minutes. Close your eyes. What do you hear? How does the ground under you feel? Can you feel a breeze on your skin? What do you smell? Going outside to “do nothing” may seem like a waste of time, but try it, then notice how you feel when you’re done. 🌻