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Image by Ioana Motoc on Pexels.This is my 5th year participating in the Calm Scribe Reading Challenge. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a list of 26 types of books, and participants get to pick which specific books to read.I love this because:26 books is a fairly realistic goal for me. It inspires reaching
Featured image by Daka on participated in The Calm Scribe’s Reading Challenge for 2024. Today I’m looking back to see how I did.The GoalLast year I didn’t hit my goal of reading 26 books, with more of them being off the original planned list. So I reused that as my goal this year. From the ListWith
Featured Image: By Kristen Otenti. Created in Affinity Designer. Double click or tap any English word in this post to open its definition in a new window (external). What is BDS?The short answer is BDS = Boycott, Divest, Sanctions. It’s a way to force Israel to stop its apartheid against Palestine. If you need a longer
Image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.This is my 4th year participating in the Calm Scribe Reading Challenge. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a list of 26 types of books, and participants get to pick which specific books to read.I love this because:26 books is a fairly realistic goal. It inspires reaching out of
Featured image by Philipp Aleev on I participated in The Calm Scribe’s Reading Challenge for 2023. Today I’m looking back to see how I did.The GoalSince I hit the mark of reading 26 books last year via adding new books as I went, I wanted to read more books from my original list this year.From the
Image by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.Welcome to my 3rd year of participating in the Calm Scribe Reading Challenge. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a list of 26 types of books, and participants get to pick which specific books to read.I love this because:26 books is a fairly realistic goal (I actually reached it
Featured image by Sincerely Media from Unsplash. Edited in Affinity Designer.I participated in The Calm Scribe’s Reading Challenge for 2022. Today I’m looking back to see how I did.From the ListI read 16 of my 26 originally planned books. I read two more that were substitutions:Instead of This Life or the Next by Demian Vitanza, I read The
Featured Image: Photo by cottonbro. Edited in Affinity Designer. Double click or tap any English word in this post to open its definition in a new window (external). 4 for NowWith all the media coverage, you’d think England’s queen dying is the event of a lifetime. But if you look past those headlines, you’ll find
Featured Image: Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Pexels. Double click or tap any English word in this post to open its definition in a new window (external). 4 for NowOne of my early 4 for Now posts was about false dichotomies. To refresh, a true dichotomy is when there are only two options, and they
Featured Image: Frame by Pixaline on Pixabay. Lightbulb by Clker-Free-Vector-Images on Pixabay. Edited in Affinity Designer. Double click or tap any English word in this post to open its definition in a new window (external). 4 for NowMy introduction to framing explained what framing is, two major worldviews, and why framing is important. This time,
Featured Image: Original art by Gonzo, a homeless artist. If you’re able to donate to him, his CashApp is $PeaceLoveSprayPaint and his Paypal is Double click or tap any English word in this post to open its definition in a new window (external). 4 for NowNews about homelessness often comes from LA and other
Featured Image: “Galaxy Brain” meme images by Jon Manning includes Brain by mahesh, Realistic Human Basemesh by Ozne000, and Stellar nursery in the arms of NGC 1672 by NASA & ESA. Bahnschrift font by Aaron Bell. Edited in Affinity Designer. Double click or tap any English word in this post to open its definition