Photo by SHVETS production on Pexels.
Note: “In Progress” simply means I don’t yet have pages for every category for a region. “Coming Soon” is a place holder for the regions I haven’t started on yet. The Turtle Island section is laid out a little differently, and may evolve as I add to it. I welcome additions to every region (and answers to the things I’m pondering) at any time.
Hurricane Helene Relief
GoFundMe has a landing page with links to verified fundraisers for individuals and families needing help in the wake of Hurricane Helene. You can search for specific fundraisers, filter by state, or browse to see who needs help.
Hurricane Beryl Relief Fund
Black Curatorial, Kwanda, Twossaints, Black Eats London & West India Cinema Corporation are raising money for grassroots organizations providing support for people affected by Hurricane Beryl in Barbados, St Vincent & the Grenadines (including Carriacou & Union), Grenada, and Jamaica.
On May 15, 1948, Britain gave Zionists its mandate in Palestine for the purpose of creating an Israeli state. Ever since, Palestinians have been occupied, kidnapped, under siege, displaced, and/or murdered by white supremacists weaponizing the Jewish faith (with help from their international allies).
On October 7, 2023, Palestinians trapped in Gaza dared break out of their cage and fight their oppressors. We are now more than eight months into the genocide that is the occupation’s outsized retaliation, where many more than the reported 37,000+ Palestinians have been gruesomely murdered and those who survive the acute attacks suffer from famine, water scarcity, and disease, and have little to no protection from the elements.
Sign petitions, send letters to your reps about Palestine.
Donate to mutual aid or organizations helping Palestine.
Palestine/Gaza strike and boycott information.
In April 2023, a conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and a paramilitary group called the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) broke out, then intensified. As each group tries to preserve their power and take more, civilians are caught in the middle.
Moreover, foreign powers are backing both sides. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Iran, and Israel’s Foreign Ministry are supporting the SAF while the UAE, Central African Republic, Russia, Chad, Libya, Israel’s Mossad support the RSF.
Nearly 11 million people have been displaced and over 13,000 have been killed. Almost 25 million people are in need of humanitarian aid.
Sign petitions, send letters to your reps about Sudan.
Donate to mutual aid or organizations helping Sudan.
Sudan strike and boycott information.
DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo)
DRC is being exploited by Western nations for its resources, especially coltan, which is used in electronic devices. Countries like US, UK, and France have been aiding Uganda and Rwanda in invading coltan-rich areas.
On top of the invasions, multinational mining companies—the ones doing the direct exploitation—enslave men, women, and children to work in their mines.
Due to all of this, millions have been killed, millions more have been displaced, and survivors are assaulted in various ways.
Sign petitions, send letters to your reps about DRC.
Donate to mutual aid or organizations helping DRC.
DRC strike and boycott information.
In Progress: Haiti
First invaded by Columbus in 1492, Haiti has been heavily oppressed over the centuries. It, as Saint Domingue, was a colony of France (and the richest colony in the world) until, after a 12-year revolution, it retook its independence in 1804.
That was not the end of things, though, as France extorted the nation for the equivalent of $560 million (or into the billions, if you factor in the loss to Haiti’s economy) in today’s money for France to consider the nation sovereign. (It took Haiti 122 years to pay off its “double debt,” as it had to take loans *from France* to pay the extortion money.)
The US didn’t recognize Haiti’s sovereignty until 1862. It didn’t extort Haiti but did violently invade and occupy Haiti from 1915-1934. The US completely controlled the economy, military, and police and terrorized citizens until withdrawing by 1941.
Today, Haiti is among the poorest nations, has been subject to violence from gangs armed by the US, and is now being invaded again, with the US using Kenya as a proxy.
Sign petitions, send letters to your reps about Haiti.
Donate to mutual aid or organizations helping Haiti.
Haiti strike and boycott information.
In Progress: Turtle Island
There are over a thousand of nations and tribes throughout the northern Western Hemisphere. (Cartographer Aaron Carapella has mapped 1,100 in what colonizers consider “the lower 48” US states, and 4,200 in all of the Western Hemisphere.) I will not be able to cover them all. But I’ll start with the nations whose lands I have occupied.
I was born in Magunkaquog and have lived most of my life on Nipmuc lands (local page).
I currently live on land stolen from the Wabanaki Alliance (external page).
I have also lived on the lands of (external pages):
- Jumanos, Wichita, Tawakoni, and Kickapoo;
- Cheraw (page for the Sumter Tribe in SC) and Catawba; and
- Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk Nation, Ganienkeh Territory, member of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy).
I encourage all colonizers to become familiar with whose lands you occupy and support the people you’re displacing however possible. (This can range anywhere from boosting social media to land/money donations. If you’re not sure how best to help, reach out to them and ask!)
In Progress: Hawai’i
Hawai’i is a sovereign island kingdom that was first invaded by England in 1778. there were missionaries, colonizing, and land disputes, but eventually (in 1843), England and France recognized Hawai’i’s independence. France, of course, held a grudge, raided Honolulu, and never made reparations for the damages.
The US had recognized Hawai’i’s independence the year before the Europeans did. However, USians would travel to Hawai’i, settle there, then violently overthrow the kingdom. US President Cleveland condemned this and delayed the annexation, but there’s always the next president to come along and ruin everything. McKinley’s Congress annexed Hawai’i and the US military took over.
Sign petitions, send letters to your reps about Hawai’i.
Donate to mutual aid or organizations helping Hawai’i.
Hawai’i strike and boycott information.
Coming Soon: Syria
I have a 4-Minute Primer for what’s gone on in Syria up to early 2021. The elevator pitch is the government sucks, factions formed to fight back, and foreign actors (including the US, currently controlling their oil fields) inserted themselves while citizens carry the brunt of the death and destruction.
Learn more about Syria.
Sign petitions, send letters to your reps about Syria.
Donate to mutual aid or organizations helping Syria.
Syria strike and boycott information.
Syria social media.
Coming Soon: Tigray
Tigrayans are an ethnic group in Ethiopia. There was a war from 2020 to 2022 where thousands died, but both Ethiopia and Eritrea have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity even since the war. There are about 1.5 million refugees, and Tigrayans are still being forcibly displaced.
Learn more about Tigray.
Sign petitions, send letters to your reps about Tigray.
Donate to mutual aid or organizations helping Tigray.
Tigray strike and boycott information.
Tigray social media.
Coming Soon: Rohingya
The Rohingya people are a Muslim ethnic group denied citizenship in Myanmar, which is a majority-Buddhist country. Rohingya have faced persecution for decades and after an increase in violence in 2017, many fled the country, especially to Bangladesh. However, they’re facing violence in Bangladesh from armed groups, and the refugee camps are in an area vulnerable to natural disasters. There are around 1 million refugees, and over half are children.
Learn more about Rohingya.
Sign petitions, send letters to your reps about Rohingya.
Donate to mutual aid or organizations helping Rohingya.
Rohingya strike and boycott information.
Rohingya social media.
Coming Soon: West Papua
Indonesia’s military occupation is forcibly taking Indigenous Papuan lands. Papuans have been killed, tortured, and displaced by both state and non-state armed groups. Over 105,000 Papuans have been displaced since 2018.
Learn more about West Papua.
Sign petitions, send letters to your reps about West Papua.
Donate to mutual aid or organizations helping West Papua.
West Papua strike and boycott information.
West Papua social media.
Coming Soon: Kashmir
Kashmir has been a contested area since before India and Pakistan gained their independence from Britain in 1947. It was divided in 1949: Pakistan-administered Kashmir and India-administered Kashmir. Both countries, however, claim the entire region. A revolt started in 1989 against Indian rule has left tens of thousands of people dead. Article 370 in India granted their portion of Kashmir some level of autonomy, but in 2019, Article 370 was revoked.
Learn more about Kashmir.
Sign petitions, send letters to your reps about Kashmir.
Donate to mutual aid or organizations helping Kashmir.
Kashmir strike and boycott information.
Kashmir social media.
Coming Soon: Puerto Rico
Formerly a colony of Spain and currently a colony of the US, Puerto Rico does not have the full rights or protections that independence—or even statehood—would afford. While it lays vulnerable to natural disasters, the US does not aid it in any meaningful or honest way. Puerto Ricans frequently suffers blackouts. The island of Vieques has been without a hospital for six years (construction for a new ” health facility ” started November 2023). Major financial institutions keep Puerto Rico in debt. Other corporations exploit tax loopholes with a presence in Puerto Rico. Puerto Ricans are holding a plebiscite in November to see if independence or statehood is preferred.
Learn more about Puerto Rico.
Sign petitions, send letters to your reps about Puerto Rico.
Donate to mutual aid or organizations helping Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico strike and boycott information.
Puerto Rico social media.
Coming Soon: Yemen
One of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. The war started in 2014 when Ansar Allah took control of Saada province. A Saudi-led and US-backed coalition intervened the following year to restore the former president’s government. Other armed groups (including one backed by the UAE) have since joined in. The economy is in shambles and over 50% of households don’t get enough food.
Learn more about Yemen.
Sign petitions, send letters to your reps about Yemen.
Donate to mutual aid or organizations helping Yemen.
Yemen strike and boycott information.
Yemen social media.
Things I’m Pondering/Researching
These are questions or topics I welcome information or resources on, if you happen to have them.
If you’re curious, too, keep an eye on this page. I’ll link to answers when I get them.
Proposal to Boycott the US.
Link to my PDF: Proposal to Boycott the United States.
It contains basics on boycotting, how to start organizing a boycott, what to look for in partners, how to choose targets plus profiles of potentials, and sources/resources.
How to remove the US from the UN, or remove the UN altogether?
The US has declared itself above international law, and is protected from being expelled from the UN. How do we remove the power the US has granted itself and hold the government accountable for its human rights violations?
Is there another way to remove power from the US?
How do we shut down Biden? What will it take for the cost of him supporting genocide to be greater than whatever benefits he’s getting from it?
How do we shut down his funders?
How do we shut down the US?
Do constituents have any power to oust their federal representatives?
My congressperson and senators all have several years left on their terms, but they are both actively and passively harming people now. Is there a way to remove them from office or force them out before then?
How to Support My Work
Buy my novel, Through the Mirrah [Amazon]. (Learn more about it first here.)
Buy Through the Mirrah-related swag.
Buy 4 for Now (my blog)-related swag.
Hook me up with a remote job recommendation. My portfolio is here. Contact me on Twitter or via email.
Donate to me on Ko-Fi or via Venmo @kcotenti.